Month: May 2019

  • Welcome to the Prestigious “Not Yet Club”

    Not yet. During a conversation with the Lord about promises unfulfilled, I reminded him of a few things he hasn’t done. “Not yet.” I added this so he’d know I still trusted him. Unexpectedly those two words satisfied my complaining heart. When God makes a promise, it’s a done deal. He will do it. If…

  • Rest…What Is It, Where Is It, and How Do I Live in It?

    Rest. Are you there yet? What is rest? Webster’s extensive definition includes this: freedom from activity or labor; peace of mind or spirit; free of anxieties. That’s what rest is in the spiritual life. Jesus spoke powerful words about rest. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give…

  • Spring Cleaning Tops My To-Do List Today

    It’s that time of year—spring cleaning—and I’m just getting started. I decided to tackle my closet first and get rid of items that no longer fit—anger, bitterness, old grudges, pouting, worry, fear, discouragement, premature judgments, critical spirit, harsh communication, dishonesty, negative thinking, inferiority, low self-esteem. Scripture makes it clear such things do not represent my…