Month: June 2020

  • Grace…Freely Giving What We Freely Received

    Grace. Got plenty. And you do, too. Enough to give to those who need it. Grace is the tagline of the Christian faith. But what is it? The New Compact Bible Dictionary notes that biblical writers used the term with a variety of meanings: “that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, charm, sweetness, loveliness” “good will,…

  • Trusting God when Your Hands Are Tied

    You’ve been there, haven’t you—that situation you desperately wanted to fix but your hands were tied? Most of us are doers. We fix stuff. My hubby is the best fixer on the earth. In our more than fifty years of marriage, he has only hired a repairman for house projects two times—once for a plumbing…

  • Isn’t It Time to Let Down Your Nets?

    The last thing a weary fisherman wants to hear is “let down your nets.” The Lord told Simon Peter after a disappointing fishing trip, “…Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch” (see Luke 5:1-11). A crowd had gathered around Jesus by the Lake of Gennesaret to hear his teaching.…

  • How to Survive a Stay in the Wilderness

    Wilderness…have you spent time there? Years ago my husband and I took an unforgettable vacation, driving from Tennessee to California and visiting popular tourist sites along the way. We crossed desert areas—miles of brown loneliness. Fighting anxiety over what might happen if our car broke down in the unbearable heat, I felt huge relief and…