Month: September 2020

  • I’d Rather Not, but Let’s Talk about Obedience

    If God graded us on obedience, I’m not sure I’d get a high score. Absolute obedience is the desire of my heart, but I admit that is not my reality. Wouldn’t you think that when Creator God gives direction, his created ones would respond in obedience? Yet we struggle. God gives a plan and we…

  • I’d Rather Not but Let’s Talk about Sin

    Want to talk about sin? Neither do I. The word is offensive to me. When discussing it, I usually substitute another word, such as weakness or habit or challenge or struggle or addiction—sin wearing its dress-up clothes so it doesn’t seem so…offensive. Just for fun, I looked to see what synonyms Thesaurus offered: offense, falling,…

  • Are You Living in the Moment or Living for When?

    I’ve spent much of my life “living for when.” These words grabbed my attention. “…For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” James 4:14). As a young journalist covering an event for the local newspaper, I heard a speaker sharing her experience as…

  • God Never Wastes Heartbreak

    Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…

  • Gideon…Exhausted but Still in Pursuit

    Mighty warrior, what are your plans for today? Maybe you don’t see yourself as a mighty warrior but as a weak, exhausted infantryman slugging it out in the trenches…no glory…no awards. God called Gideon a mighty warrior before he sent him into battle! Why would the Almighty choose someone who was doubtful and afraid to…