Category: General

  • What’s Elijah Doing under a Juniper Tree Praying to Die?

    It’s a pitiful picture—Elijah under a juniper tree praying to die. How did he get there? Ahab had become king of Israel, and he was a bad actor, doing “more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.” His wife, Jezebel, was a good match for him—wicked through and through.…

  • A Few Thoughts for Anyone Pouting under a Withered Gourd Vine

    Have you ever felt like Jonah pouting under the withered gourd vine? Before you answer, let’s review his story. The Lord called him to go to the city of Nineveh and “preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” Rather than obey, Jonah decided to run. He found a ship headed to…

  • Only in Movies and the Sovereignty of God

    Resume production.         Scene one: Joseph, now thirty, still in the dungeon prison. Pause: Everything changed overnight. Actually, it was thirteen years times 365 long nights. Pharaoh had two dreams about fat cows and lean cows, but no one knew the meaning. God had set the stage for what happened next. The butler remembered the young…

  • Joseph Prospered in an Unlikely Place

    A little innocent boasting put Joseph on his older brothers’ hit list. One of twelve sons born to Jacob (son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham), Joseph became his father’s favorite without even trying. He was born when Jacob was old, the son of his beloved wife Rachel, who died after giving birth to her…

  • The Case for Joy Argued in Court

    Joy is a choice. No one else is responsible for my joy. Praise and rejoicing are joy’s constant companions. Let’s pretend I’m an attorney arguing a case in court, and you are the jury. As the gavel sounds calling the court to order, I step forward. Members of the jury, thank you for participating in…

  • Out-of-Round Tire Can’t Be Balanced

    For my birthday long ago, James bought a set of new tires for my car. Driving home with my practical gift, he noticed a slight bump. After waiting a few days, he returned to the auto store to check it out and learned the tire was out of round. “That’s ridiculous!” I said. Being an…

  • Interview: Susan Mathis, Author of Recently Released Katelyn’s Choice

    Today I want you to meet my friend, Susan G. Mathis, author of the recently released Katelyn’s Choice. A multi-published author of both non-fiction and fiction, Susan is former editor/editorial director of twelve Focus on the Family publications and served as founding editor of Thriving Familymagazine. She’s vice president of Christian Authors Network (CAN), a…

  • Are You Living the Abundant Life?

    Abundant life is life with a capital L. Hebrews seemed a difficult book for me. I’d heard much teaching on this writing, but it was never my favorite place to read—until I opened the Amplified Version. I found this expanded meaning of the word faith: “leaning the entire personality on God in absolute confidence in…

  • No Longer Stressing…No More Worries

    I woke up one recent morning with this thought: no longer stressing. Memory of a dream had faded and left me feeling stressed. By the time my eyes opened, this idea had planted itself firmly in my thinking: no longer stressing. I wondered what that decision would mean for my life today. No more worries…

  • Spiritual Warfare…Fighting the Roaring Lion

    Spiritual warfare is a topic I’d rather avoid. I hope my light-hearted approach last week wasn’t misleading. The enemy’s activity is serious, and standing firm is our responsibility. When I was a child, I pictured the Devil as an impish little guy with pointy ears and a smirking face, wearing a red suit and dancing…