I needed comfortable brown shoes for a trip and had only minutes to spare. If I’d been shopping with a girlfriend, I’d have said, “I want to find the cutest shoes in the world!”
Only my dearest Friend went that day and I tell him everything. I said, “Lord, I want to find the cutest shoes in the world!”
Was that trivial of me? I have friends undergoing chemo and radiation and friends overwhelmed by the troubles of their prodigal children. I’ve dealt with all kinds of huge stuff myself.
I talk to my Friend all day—about protecting our troops in war zones, guiding our government leaders, and caring for missionaries and others in ministry. Sometimes I talk about a small need in my life. That day, it was brown shoes.
Maybe he’s too busy with huge to listen to trivial, but he’s never told me that.
I’ve been taught all my life the Lord cares about the smallest details, and I learned to take every care to him. I wondered if I bothered him too much with little stuff. Then I remembered that to God, everything’s little!
I've been taught all my life the Lord cares about the smallest details, and I learned to take every care to him. I wondered if I bothered him too much with little stuff. Then I remembered that to God, everything's little. Click To TweetThat reminded me of a wedding in Cana that Jesus, his disciples, and his mother attended. The hosts ran out of wine, and Mary told Jesus. How small a need is that? Did she think he would go somewhere and get more wine? I don’t know that she expected him to turn water into wine, but that’s what he did. It’s his first recorded miracle (John 2:1-11).
If you run out of punch at your daughter’s wedding, would you ask Jesus for a miracle? Anyway…back to my story. Hurriedly I scanned the shoe aisles and found the cutest shoes in the world!
Would I have found them if I hadn’t discussed my need with my Friend? Maybe. But since I’m always talking with the Lord, I expressed my small need. When I found the shoes, do you know what I did? I thanked him and praised him.
Maybe you think my story is silly…insignificant. But I think it pleased him that I appreciated the shoes.
Jesus is my Friend. If I talk to him about everything and trust him with everything, I will thank him for everything. And that pleases him.
Jesus is my Friend. If I talk to him about everything and trust him with everything, I will thank him for everything. And that pleases him. Click To TweetWhy not start a “Thankful for Little Things” list? You could begin in the comment section below! And thank you for sharing this article with your friends!
(Adapted from Cabbages and Kings—Reflections on Living Abundantly in Christ © Dianne Barker 2012)