Self-esteem Is a Fragile Thing
Self-esteem is a fragile thing. Let’s talk about it. What is esteem? I consulted two friends (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and my computer Thesaurus) for synonyms, intending to discuss my struggle with low self-esteem, explain how I overcame it, and give a how-to package with a pretty bow on top. But my victory in…
Crisis Praying…How David Prayed in a Cave
Crisis praying is serious praying. David the giant-slayer found himself in one crisis after another. Fleeing from jealous King Saul, he hid in a cave and prayed his heart out. I learned from his experience recorded in Psalm 142. His cave-crisis praying began with crying out to God. He ran to God. “I cried unto…
Prayer …a Constant Conversation with My Father
Prayer is constant conversation. Paul gave this instruction. “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). How are you doing with that? Do you keep a continual conversation going? Prayer is about relationship. This needy child comes to a loving, generous Father in total dependence. The sweeter our relationship, the more comfortable I feel climbing into his…
Learning to Pray with Confidence
Pray with confidence. Some people know how to do it. I’ve listened in awe to prayers that lifted me into God’s presence. But I’ve never been a good public pray-er. I pray constantly. I just don’t pray eloquently. Public prayers should be eloquent, right? I struggle to keep my focus on the Lord due to…
Negative Thoughts Will Rob Your Joy
Negative thoughts will rob your joy, your hope, your life. They’ve stolen a large part of mine. I have a confusing personality—a strange combination of extrovert and introvert. The part people see is outgoing, friendly, talkative. The hidden part is shy, withdrawn, insecure. Those who know me well may find this hard to believe but…
Fragrance that Lingers and Sweetens
Fragrance is the word I think of when my friend Ellen comes to mind. We’d shared life and laughter over lunch. I dropped her off at home, and as I continued my afternoon errands I noticed her fragrance lingered. We’d spent enough time together that the fragrance of her perfume remained after she left my…
Surrender—My Best Decision Ever
Surrender is the plan Jesus laid out for following him. Much of my walk with the Lord has been a struggle. At age seven I asked Christ to come into my life and be my Savior. But how could I be certain my eternity was secure? Over the next twenty years, I fought doubt and…
Suffering…Trust God No Matter What
Suffering isn’t my favorite thing. It comes in different packages, and my family has had our share. Yours, too? Many of us understand all too well David’s cry: “Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul….I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me” (Psalm 69:1-2). My translation:…
Praise When You Don’t Feel Like It
Praise the Lord? I hope you won’t mind my being so transparent, but I don’t always feel like praising the Lord. Sometimes circumstances don’t encourage praise. I’ve learned that even when circumstances aren’t favorable, God is still worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. We praise him according to his righteousness, not our circumstances (see Psalm…
Forgiveness…an Exercise Good for Me
Forgiveness. Wish we didn’t need to talk about that. For the apostle Paul, maintaining relationships had priority. He said, “Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God and toward man.” The word exercise interests me, since physical exercise is not on my favorites list. It’s something I make…