Watch Your Step…There’s a Pit Ahead!
I fell into the pit again. The pit of discouragement. It’s a trap, and I do my best to avoid it. Didn’t even see that dark hole till I tumbled in.
When You Feel Like Giving up
If you’ve thought about giving up, I have a quote that will motivate you to keep going: “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” Olympic gold-medalist Simone Biles said this during an interview on CBS “60 Minutes” Sunday. The twenty-three-year-old gymnast discussed her disappointment over cancellation of the Olympic Games in 2020.…
Self-esteem Is a Fragile Thing
Self-esteem is a fragile thing. Let’s talk about it. What is esteem? I consulted two friends (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and my computer Thesaurus) for synonyms, intending to discuss my struggle with low self-esteem, explain how I overcame it, and give a how-to package with a pretty bow on top. But my victory in…