Tag: hard places

  • God Never Wastes Heartbreak

    Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…

  • Suffering…Trust God No Matter What

    Suffering isn’t my favorite thing. It comes in different packages, and my family has had our share. Yours, too? Many of us understand all too well David’s cry: “Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul….I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me” (Psalm 69:1-2). My translation:…

  • Noah Kept Nailing One Board at a Time

    Ya gotta love that guy Noah. Some days on this earth are just plain hard. We seek the Lord and do our best to follow him wholeheartedly—but that doesn’t insulate us from set-backs and discouragement. Many days are exhausting. At times we wonder…is it worth it to keep pouring out my life? As a journalist,…

  • Praise and Trust Are Conjoined Twins

    Praise the Lord! How often do we say those words? Usually they spill from a heart overflowing with gratitude because God has shown himself strong for us. He’s done something amazing. Something we begged him to do. And he answered with an overwhelming yes! Of course we respond with praise. In other circumstances, not so…

  • Prayer…a Constant Conversation with My Father

    Prayer is constant conversation. Paul gave this instruction. “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). How are you doing with that? Do you keep a continual conversation going? Prayer is about relationship. This needy child comes to a loving, generous Father in total dependence. The sweeter our relationship, the more comfortable I feel climbing into his…