Low Self-esteem Is a Humanity Thing
Low self-esteem is a humanity thing. I believe most people struggle with this—some of us more than others. Low self-esteem results from thoughts, temperament, and treatment. I’ve discussed the importance of taking control of our thoughts, but what can we do about temperament? We’re born with personality traits that continue developing as we grow. During…
Low Self-esteem Is a Humanity Thing
Low self-esteem is a humanity thing. I believe most people struggle with this—some of us more than others. Low self-esteem results from thoughts, temperament, and treatment. I’ve discussed the importance of taking control of our thoughts, but what can we do about temperament? We’re born with personality traits that continue developing as we grow. During…
Self-esteem Is a Fragile Thing
Self-esteem is a fragile thing. Let’s talk about it. What is esteem? I consulted two friends (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and my computer Thesaurus) for synonyms, intending to discuss my struggle with low self-esteem, explain how I overcame it, and give a how-to package with a pretty bow on top. But my victory in…