Thoughts on the Pursuit of Happiness
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.” During elementary school, likely you memorized these words from the Preamble to The Declaration of Independence. The words are rich…
God’s Truth Is Our Source of Joy
How is your joy supply? Are you struggling to keep it flowing? Is it seeping away faster than you can replenish? During this strange time in history, many are feeling beaten down by circumstances we can’t control. We feel as if a tornado has touched down, leaving chaos and destruction. Nothing is normal. And we…
Sweat the Small Stuff…Really!
Sweat the small stuff. I know. We’ve been told, don’t sweat the small stuff. That may be the reason we’re in this mess today. We’ve been led to believe we should take care of the big stuff and not waste time on the small stuff. That’s a terrible strategy for the Christian life. The small…
It’s Time to Hunt My Gratitude Repair Kit
My ’tude has a leak—not the inner-tube on a car tire…my gratitude. I’m an optimistic person—a big dreamer whose great expectations sometimes leave my husband scratching his head. Also I’m big on saying “thank you” for the smallest gesture of kindness. A slow leak But lately I’ve noticed a slow leak in the ’tude. A…
Look for Treasure in Your Sacks
Treasure in your sacks! Have you found it? Have you discovered blessing in an unexpected place? Let’s review a well-known story. I hope you’ll take time to read it in Genesis 37 -50. Joseph, a favored son of Jacob, annoyed his ten older brothers—because his father loved him more and because he related his dreams…
Designated for a Consecrated Life—That’s Us!
“Designated for a consecrated life.” I love that word, designated! Thesaurus gives these synonyms: chosen, elected, selected, voted, nominated. When I came across designated in Romans 1:7 (Amplified), my heart exploded in praise. Paul wrote, “To [you then] all God’s beloved ones in Rome, called to be saints and designated for a consecrated life: Grace…
God Never Fails! The Bible Says So
God never fails! How do I know? The Bible says so. “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: For the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him…
Surrender—Gateway to the Maximum Life
My goal is to experience the maximum life. There’s one requirement: surrender. Growing up, I never heard teaching on surrender. I knew what the word meant in warfare: to give up. At age seven I invited Jesus into my heart to be my Savior, but I struggled with doubt for years until settling my eternity…
Joy, Faith Confront Stalkers Weariness, Discouragement
Joy. Got any? The Lord and I were having a conversation about the future. He noticed I felt a bit disheartened. (He’s good at that—knowing the thoughts of my heart.) A while back, I’d asked, “What’s next?” He’d laid out an action plan, specific steps that would lead to a desired place. “I don’t understand,”…
Surrender—My Best Decision Ever
Surrender is the plan Jesus laid out for following him. Before we talk about that, I want to welcome new friends. Thanks so much for signing up via BookSweeps non-fiction promotion. I’m honored to meet you! Feel free to browse my website and learn more about my writing/speaking. Hope you’ll read previous blog posts when…