Worry–Is There a Better Way to Do Life?
Worry is one thing I do well. I suspect you do, too. There’s plenty to worry about in this life! I’m learning to conquer worry by casting every care on the Lord. That’s the second key to dispensing the sweet fragrance of Christ as we walk through this life. Last week we looked at the…
Encouragement for the Chaos
On Saturday the purple martins returned. We’d been watching for them. I guess they didn’t hear about the virus—or weren’t worried about it. Only one couple has taken up residence. Seeing them perched on the pole and exploring the gourd houses brings great delight. They remind me to follow their example, relying on our heavenly…
Sweat the Small Stuff…Really!
Sweat the small stuff. I know. We’ve been told, don’t sweat the small stuff. That may be the reason we’re in this mess today. We’ve been led to believe we should take care of the big stuff and not waste time on the small stuff. That’s a terrible strategy for the Christian life. The small…
Designated for a Consecrated Life—That’s Us!
“Designated for a consecrated life.” I love that word, designated! Thesaurus gives these synonyms: chosen, elected, selected, voted, nominated. When I came across designated in Romans 1:7 (Amplified), my heart exploded in praise. Paul wrote, “To [you then] all God’s beloved ones in Rome, called to be saints and designated for a consecrated life: Grace…
God Never Fails! The Bible Says So
God never fails! How do I know? The Bible says so. “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: For the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. And Moses called unto Joshua, and said unto him…
No Longer Stressing…No More Worries
I woke up one recent morning with this thought: no longer stressing. Memory of a dream had faded and left me feeling stressed. By the time my eyes opened, this idea had planted itself firmly in my thinking: no longer stressing. I wondered what that decision would mean for my life today. No more worries…
Surrender—My Best Decision Ever
Surrender is the plan Jesus laid out for following him. Before we talk about that, I want to welcome new friends. Thanks so much for signing up via BookSweeps non-fiction promotion. I’m honored to meet you! Feel free to browse my website and learn more about my writing/speaking. Hope you’ll read previous blog posts when…
Worry–Is There a Better Way to Do Life?
Worry is one thing I do well. I suspect you worry, too. There’s plenty to worry about in this life! I’m learning to conquer worry by casting every care on the Lord. That’s the second key to dispensing the sweet fragrance of Christ as we walk through this life. Last week we looked at the…