Worry–Is There a Better Way to Do Life?
Worry is one thing I do well. I suspect you do, too. There’s plenty to worry about in this life! I’m learning to conquer worry by casting every care on the Lord. That’s the second key to dispensing the sweet fragrance of Christ as we walk through this life. Last week we looked at the…
You’re Invited to My Party…It’s a Pity Party
I’ve decided to throw a party–a pity party. You’re welcome to attend—but you’ll need to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Hope that made you smile! Because there isn’t much to smile about these days. I’m so glad our joy doesn’t depend on circumstances but on our amazing Lord. Whatever happens, we know our…
Sweat the Small Stuff…Really!
Sweat the small stuff. I know. We’ve been told, don’t sweat the small stuff. That may be the reason we’re in this mess today. We’ve been led to believe we should take care of the big stuff and not waste time on the small stuff. That’s a terrible strategy for the Christian life. The small…
God Has a Program for Carefree Living
God has a program for carefree living. I discovered it unexpectedly while writing the book A Journey of Victory about my lifelong friend, Evangelist Walter St. Clair. Since we lived many miles apart, I spent hours on the phone with him gathering details for the book. “Brother Walter” ended most of our conversations with a…
Don’t Worry…God Stirs the Heart
Worry is the number-one rest-robber. And it has some ugly relatives—anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, dread. Fear lives in the same neighborhood. All of those scoundrels troubled me before I came to the Lord pleading, “Teach me to rest!” Our worry usually involves other people, and it mostly concerns the present and the future…what’s going on today…what…