God Never Wastes Heartbreak
Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…
God Never Wastes Heartbreak
Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…
What Does It Mean to Be Found Faithful?
Have you wondered what it means to be found faithful? Webster defines faithful: “steadfast in affection or allegiance…firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty.” Thesaurus uses these words to enhance the meaning: authentic, loyal, devoted, trustworthy, dependable, reliable, dedicated, committed. My understanding: being found faithful means being a good steward of the…
God Never Wastes Heartbreak
Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…
Low Self-esteem–a Condition with a Solution
Low self-esteem is a condition that has a solution. Last week I said low self-esteem is the result of thoughts, temperament, and treatment. And I suggested memorizing these truths: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am here on purpose. I won’t compare my weakness with someone else’s strength. I do some things well. I…
Suffering…Trust God No Matter What
Suffering isn’t my favorite thing. It comes in different packages, and my family has had our share. Yours, too? Many of us understand all too well David’s cry: “Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul….I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me” (Psalm 69:1-2). My translation:…