Tag: regret

  • Breaking News: God Makes All Things New

    Don’t you love new things? Whether fragrant new rose blossoms, a new hair style, a new dress, a new sofa, a new car, a new recipe…most of us enjoy new. New triggers excitement. And usually it measures up to our expectations. Do you want to hear something really exciting? “Therefore if any man be in…

  • Forward…a Good Word for a New Year

    Forward is one of my favorite words. On September 7, 2019, a television sports commentator said this about the University of Tennessee’s quarterback Jarrett Guarantino during the Brigham Young University game. “He’s over-analytical and he dwells on the previous play. He cannot allow himself to get into that funk. He’s gotta move forward and worry…

  • Forgive Yourself–Go Forward in Joy

    Forgive yourself? Just can’t do it? We’ve talked about regret and learned from David, the king of Israel, who had a colossal failure. He slept with another man’s wife, got her pregnant, and tried to cover his sin by arranging for her husband to be killed in battle so she could become his wife. How…

  • Moving from Broken to Beautiful® through Grief

    Grief comes to all of us. My friend Yvonne Ortega has had her share. Within seven months she lost two aunts, her mother, and her only child, Brian, who had just finished college and planned to marry. Her new book Moving from Broken to Beautiful® through Grief” walks us through the questions and anger to…