God Never Wastes Heartbreak
Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…
Goals Interrupted? You’re Being Furnished Richly
Hubby walked in near the end of a Hallmark movie, just when things began going downhill. And you know how iffy those endings can be (smile). “Don’t be worrying,” he said. “It’ll all turn out okay.” And, of course, it did. That’s how Hallmark movies end. In real life, not so much. Don’t you wish…
The Dwelling Place of God…What Do You Know?
What do you know about the dwelling place of God? Wouldn’t it be sweet if we could find a place to live in joy and calm, a residence where we could truly rest, gathering around us the ones we love, and live free from worry and fear? There is! It’s the secret place of the…
God Never Wastes Heartbreak
Is there anyone among us who has not known heartbreak? Death stole someone you love. A friend betrayed you. A spouse deserted you. A child disappointed you. An illness interrupted your life. Heartbreak comes in all shapes and sizes, and it changes us. In our pain we cry out, Why? I have no adequate answer…