A Mother’s Heart Never Loses Hope
I wonder what she thought—the mother of the prodigal son. We know nothing about her. She isn’t mentioned in the parable Jesus related in Luke 15:11-32. Although Scripture does not record the mother’s experience, with my mind’s eye I caught a behind-the-scenes glimpse from the perspective of a modern-day mother, recognizing vast differences in our…
Breaking News! I Can Live the Abundant Life Anywhere!
So how does all this breaking news impact my daily life? Let’s review. God makes all things new. This amazing adventure called “the Christian life” began when I trusted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. He did this incredible thing—he made me a new person! “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a…
Breaking News! I Can Live in Hope in Lonely Places
Hope: “to cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment” (Webster). How do we hold on to that little four-letter word when we’re caught in a swirling current that threatens to drown us? The key is choosing a reliable foundation for our hope. Over many years I’ve collected Bible verses about hope. I can find these…
Breaking News: I Can Live in Joy, No Matter What
Here’s what I know about joy. It can’t be manufactured. It doesn’t depend on circumstances. It’s a gift from the Lord. It’s part of the cluster of fruit produced by the Holy Spirit residing in believers. It can’t be stolen by anything, ever! So…what do you know about joy? Has yours been touch-and-go? Mine was,…
Breaking News! God Is Stronger Than All the Giants!
Giants! They’re everywhere! Have you encountered any in your neighborhood? Wish you could’ve seen the two ogres that hurled me to the ground, knocking all hope right out of me. One pinned me down—his name was Doubt—while his buddy, Unbelief, pummeled me and a cluster of their wicked brothers (Fear, Worry, Discouragement, and Despair), smiled…
Breaking News: God Can Handle Impossible
Are you in the middle of impossible? Among the synonyms that my computer’s Thesaurus lists for impossible, I found this: without a solution. Webster says “felt to be incapable of being done, attained, or fulfilled.” Likely you’ve been in a hard situation that seemed to have no way out. Maybe you’re there today. You weary…
Breaking News: God Makes All Things New
Don’t you love new things? Whether fragrant new rose blossoms, a new hair style, a new dress, a new sofa, a new car, a new recipe…most of us enjoy new. New triggers excitement. And usually it measures up to our expectations. Do you want to hear something really exciting? “Therefore if any man be in…
Another Trip to the Garbage Dump
Just made another trip to the garbage dump. I despise that stinkin’ place. Sorry to say, I’ve spent too much time there. Some of the junk I’d discarded had somehow made its way back into my life. A scrap of anger. A handful of discouragement. A chunk of worry. A sliver of fear. A crumb…
Low Self-esteem Is a Condition that Has a Solution
Low self-esteem is a condition that has a solution. Last week I said low self-esteem is the result of thoughts, temperament, and treatment. And I suggested memorizing these truths: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am here on purpose. I won’t compare my weakness with someone else’s strength. I do some things well. I…
Low Self-esteem Is a Humanity Thing
Low self-esteem is a humanity thing. I believe most people struggle with this—some of us more than others. Low self-esteem results from thoughts, temperament, and treatment. I’ve discussed the importance of taking control of our thoughts, but what can we do about temperament? We’re born with personality traits that continue developing as we grow. During…