The Quest for Rest…Summarizing the Study
I’ve been in the “quest for rest” classroom a long while. You’re thinking I must not be learning the lesson very well. It’s an on-going curriculum, and I’m in the graduate program. In fact, I’m grasping the principles so well that God continually gives me opportunities to apply them. When I entered the course, I’d…
God’s Strong Arm Will Never Fail
God’s strong arm is renowned. Listen to the song of Moses and the Israelites after seeing the Lord fight for them—leading this massive throng across the Red Sea on dry ground before releasing the banks of water to drown the pursuing Egyptian army. “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the…
God Fights for Me—Another Truth that Leads to Rest
Where did I get the idea God fights for me? I read what Moses said to the Israelites. “…Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight…
God Acts at His Appointed Time—and I Can Count on It
God acts at his appointed time. Since the beginning of the human story, God has been making promises and acting at his appointed time to fulfill them. The words appointed time always bring to mind one of my favorite biblical friends, Abram. He and his wife Sarai were aged and childless when the Lord called…
Don’t Worry…God Stirs the Heart
Worry is the number-one rest-robber. And it has some ugly relatives—anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, dread. Fear lives in the same neighborhood. All of those scoundrels troubled me before I came to the Lord pleading, “Teach me to rest!” Our worry usually involves other people, and it mostly concerns the present and the future…what’s going on today…what…
Welcome to the Prestigious “Not Yet Club”
Not yet. During a conversation with the Lord about promises unfulfilled, I reminded him of a few things he hasn’t done. “Not yet.” I added this so he’d know I still trusted him. Unexpectedly those two words satisfied my complaining heart. When God makes a promise, it’s a done deal. He will do it. If…
Rest…What Is It, Where Is It, and How Do I Live in It?
Rest. Are you there yet? What is rest? Webster’s extensive definition includes this: freedom from activity or labor; peace of mind or spirit; free of anxieties. That’s what rest is in the spiritual life. Jesus spoke powerful words about rest. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give…
Spring Cleaning Tops My To-Do List Today
It’s that time of year—spring cleaning—and I’m just getting started. I decided to tackle my closet first and get rid of items that no longer fit—anger, bitterness, old grudges, pouting, worry, fear, discouragement, premature judgments, critical spirit, harsh communication, dishonesty, negative thinking, inferiority, low self-esteem. Scripture makes it clear such things do not represent my…
What’s Elijah Doing under a Juniper Tree Praying to Die?
It’s a pitiful picture—Elijah under a juniper tree praying to die. How did he get there? Ahab had become king of Israel, and he was a bad actor, doing “more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.” His wife, Jezebel, was a good match for him—wicked through and through.…
A Few Thoughts for Anyone Pouting under a Withered Gourd Vine
Have you ever felt like Jonah pouting under the withered gourd vine? Before you answer, let’s review his story. The Lord called him to go to the city of Nineveh and “preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” Rather than obey, Jonah decided to run. He found a ship headed to…