Surrender—My Best Decision Ever
Surrender is the plan Jesus laid out for following him. Much of my walk with the Lord has been a struggle. At age seven I asked Christ to come into my life and be my Savior. But how could I be certain my eternity was secure? Over the next twenty years, I fought doubt and…
Don’t Let Worry Tug the Merry out of Your Christmas
Don’t let worry tug the merry out of your Christmas. The lyrics of Christmas songs leap from television and radio right into our hearts, inspiring us to sing along. Everywhere we go, “Merry Christmas” greetings bring a smile. Holiday wishes arrive daily in the mail. Yes, indeed, we’ll have ourselves a merry Christmas! Won’t we?…
Have You Ever Lost Hope?
Lord, I have lost all hope! My desperate prayer had barely formed in my thoughts when a quiet voice in my heart interrupted a gush of tears. You have not lost hope. I am your hope. You have not lost me. Our God hears! And he cares. His assurance brought change—not in the circumstances but…
It’s Time to Hunt My Gratitude Repair Kit
My ’tude has a leak—not the inner-tube on a car tire…my gratitude. I’m an optimistic person—a big dreamer whose great expectations sometimes leave my husband scratching his head. Also I’m big on saying “thank you” for the smallest gesture of kindness. A slow leak But lately I’ve noticed a slow leak in the ’tude. A…
Who’s CEO of Your Life?
Once there was a woman who owned her own business, but the responsibility of running it proved quite an undertaking. “This is too much for me,” she said. “I need someone to run the business.” Finding a capable person, she made him president. “I have full confidence in your ability,” she said. “I’m leaving everything…
Designated for a Consecrated Life—That’s Us!
“Designated for a consecrated life.” I love that word, designated! Thesaurus gives these synonyms: chosen, elected, selected, voted, nominated. When I came across designated in Romans 1:7 (Amplified), my heart exploded in praise. Paul wrote, “To [you then] all God’s beloved ones in Rome, called to be saints and designated for a consecrated life: Grace…
Are You Living the Abundant Life?
Abundant life is life with a capital L. Hebrews seemed a difficult book for me. I’d heard much teaching on this writing, but it was never my favorite place to read—until I opened the Amplified Version. I found this expanded meaning of the word faith: “leaning the entire personality on God in absolute confidence in…
Surrender—Gateway to the Maximum Life
My goal is to experience the maximum life. There’s one requirement: surrender. Growing up, I never heard teaching on surrender. I knew what the word meant in warfare: to give up. At age seven I invited Jesus into my heart to be my Savior, but I struggled with doubt for years until settling my eternity…
Surrender—My Best Decision Ever
Surrender is the plan Jesus laid out for following him. Before we talk about that, I want to welcome new friends. Thanks so much for signing up via BookSweeps non-fiction promotion. I’m honored to meet you! Feel free to browse my website and learn more about my writing/speaking. Hope you’ll read previous blog posts when…
Forgiveness…An Exercise Good for Me
Forgiveness. Wish we didn’t need to talk about that. For the apostle Paul, maintaining relationships had priority. He said, “Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God and toward man.” The word exercise interests me, since physical exercise is not on my favorites list. It’s something I make…