Tag: maximum living

  • Need Fulfillment? Expect a Package Soon

    “This is the Fulfillment Department,” said a stranger’s voice. He had a package ready to send. The best telemarketing call ever! Wish I hadn’t clicked to end the conversation. Sometimes my hands are faster than my brain. I rarely waste time listening to telephone sales tactics, but later I wondered what else he might have…

  • The Altar of Surrender…Only Safe Place for Precious Things

    The altar is the only safe place for precious things…it’s the surrender place. I learned that while struggling to find a place to hide a few precious things. I wasn’t sure I could trust God with them. Don’t let my comment shock you. Haven’t you felt the same way? Those precious things—precious ones—in your life…if…

  • Maximum Living–Have You Found It?

    Maximum living is that superior quality of life Jesus called abundant (John 10:10). How do we access that? While teaching a couples’ Sunday School class, I read aloud the focus verse for the week. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm,…